For many people college is a time and a place to really figure yourself out. You’re on your own in a way maybe you haven’t…
Seabass, See Blog
Jordan completed his PhD in Artificial Intelligence at the University of New Hampshire in 2012. Since then, he's used AI to solve problems in many domains including security, medicine, & logistics.
For many people college is a time and a place to really figure yourself out. You’re on your own in a way maybe you haven’t…
Hey all, I’ll be giving a new talk, “How to Get Started with AI: Moving Beyond ChatGPT” this May in Columbus Ohio at Stir Trek.…
When I started coming out to my family, they all asked questions. It was interesting to me what they asked, and what they didn’t. One question kept coming up, “When did you know?”.
This might surprise you, but that’s a difficult question to answer.
Hi, I’m Jordan. I was born Jordan, but I wasn’t always Jordan. For a while, I was JT. Then I was Seabass. Still, even when I was Seabass, I was always Jordan, I just didn’t always go by Jordan.
Sorry, let me start over.
Hi, I’m Jordan, and I’m a trans woman.
Introduction This post originally appeared on SEP’s Blog People often ask questions like "What is AI?", or "Is AI worth of the hype?". Both questions…
Just a brief note that I’ll be speaking at Indy FP next week, at 6 pm on Tuesday, January 21st. I’ll be giving a presentation…
I recently took a look at how we can prove a given instance of a randomizer romhack can be won using propositional logic. It’s posted…
The theme of the July project work was “Retail, Resize, Refactor”. As some of you may be aware, the first week of July contains a…
During June I (fairly successfully I think) got the battle system for my RPG up and running. While I do not have all of the…
June is over, or will be shortly. It’s time to look back on the months project. At the outset, let me say I’m pretty happy…